
(HashHistory not supported) Changing URL in browser and clicking confirm doesn't navigate

mcupito opened this issue · 9 comments

When I change the URL directly in the browser, I am seeing that my page is not actually navigating upon confirm of the action. I've briefly debugged and saw that the _state.action is POP when this occurs -- unsure if I can manually try to make this PUSH and see what happens.


Type in
Pop-up appears
Click Yes, Leave the Page (onConfirm)
Prompt closes and nothing else happens, but the URL stays the same

I am using React with Redux, along with React Router.

Here's the implementation :

import ConfirmModal from "../Confirm/Modal";

class NavigationBlocker extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
	render() {
		return (
				<NavigationPrompt when={this.props.canSave}>
					{({ onCancel, onConfirm }) => (
							cancelLabel={'No, keep working'} 
							actionLabel={'Yes, leave anyway'}
							<p>{'Your changes were not saved. Do you still want to leave?'}</p>

The ConfirmModal has a decent amount of code in it, but it doesn't truly do anything except render what was passed in and call the props as actions :

<Button type="button"  onClick={this.testActionClick} >
	<strong>{this.props.actionLabel || 'OK'}</strong>

<a type="button"  onClick={(e) => this.cancelClicked(e, this.props.onCancelClicked)}>
	<strong>{this.props.cancelLabel || 'Cancel'}</strong>

Sidenote: I did not implement this code, but noticed this behavior and have since taken over trying to resolve it. I am aware that this implementation doesn't use any fancy comparison of location or anything that doesn't ship out of the box, so it could be a lacking implementation.

Thanks for your time!

Hmm, this issue doesn't happen with any of my projects. Try looking at this example code that works:
Maybe it might help

Thanks for the issue, @mcupito .

When you say "Prompt closes and nothing else happens, but the URL stays the same", do you mean that the URL stays at and does not navigate to

Also, it looks like you're passing NavigationPrompt's onConfirm as ConfirmModal's onActionClicked and calling ConfirmModal's this.testActionClick. Would you please share the method this.testActionClick?

Yes for your first question, @ZacharyRSmith. Also, the testActionClick was just a placeholder for me to put a debugger.

What I end up seeing occur is that the URL changes to in the browser, but the page never navigates and an error occurs within react-router (it appears) :

browser.js:49 Warning: Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack

@mcupito are you using react-router's HashHistory instead of BrowserHistory? unfortunately, NavigationPrompt is not compatible with HashHistory (i think...i haven't tested it). it seems someone else had this issue with HashHistory: #2 (comment)

btw, if you look at the code, NavigationPrompt will push or replace, never pop:

if you'd like to Pull Request a change that would make NavigationPrompt compatible with HashHistory, that'd be awesome!

@ZacharyRSmith Yes we are using Hash -- As far as a PR, let me [find the time to] dig in a little deeper and see if I could provide a reasonable solution. Thanks for your responsiveness and your time!

browser.js:49 Warning: Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack
Same Issue for me in HashRouter

When implementing my own router prompt (without this package), I solved this issue by using history.replace() instead. Doing so when using hash history may be worth looking into.

Thanks, @riteshahlawat ! If anyone reading this would like to open a PR that uses history.replace() when using HashHistory, I think I'd merge. Cheers!