
please help me

kxslo opened this issue · 3 comments

kxslo commented

Hello friend like this, I am interested in making your program for 2 captchas, and actually I would like to know how to run it, and what steps should I follow please

  1. Initialize the class with your API key.
  2. Execute solving method of your choice.
  3. Check if method returned Success (in struct) and then get the answer from Response property.
    3.1. If Success is false then in Response you will have the error message.

Check out this sample code I've written in README:

The return struct is listed here:
... and the actual code for it:

kxslo commented

I still don't understand, how can I use it from 0, do I have to download any program? enter that code in any program? how is it used if you could teach me please I don't get any exe.

It's a library to be used with other code. This code by itself does not do anything.