Client hangs when using FSharpPlus.Data.NonEmptySeq
Opened this issue · 1 comments
When using NonEmptySeq
or NonEmptyList
from FSharpPlus.Data
in the response type, the client gets stuck in the loading state.
type IApi = {
test: unit -> Async<NonEmptySeq<string>>
let update msg model =
match msg with
| LoadBookings msg ->
match msg with
| Start() ->
let cmd = Cmd.OfAsync.perform api.test () (Finished >> LoadBookings)
{ model with Bookings = Loading }, cmd
| Finished bookingsPage ->
printfn "bookingsPage: %A" bookingsPage // THIS NEVER GETS TRIGGERED
{ model with Bookings = Loaded(bookingsPage) }, Cmd.none
The frontend does the start command to trigger the request. The request succeeds and responds with:
However, the frontend Finished
command never gets triggered, and no error seem to be logged.
If I change the type to a native seq
it works again.
Is this a bug? (newbie here, could be missing something)
Hi there @madyanalj when you use Cmd.OfAsync.perform
, the error is ignored. You probably want Cmd.OfAsync.either
where the last argument is (Exception -> 'Msg
) so you can add a new Msg type called LoadingBooksFailed of exn
which you then handle in your update
to either show the error or print it in the console.
Is this a bug? (newbie here, could be missing something)
Could be a bug with Fable.SimpleJson, the library used fro client-side deserialization but I highly doubt it. I am assuming that you are using a version of FSharpPlus that supports Fable, is that correct?