
Question: Best way to set a Connection String Parameter?

Mousaka opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm wondering what the best way to set a connection string parameter, namely this one Command Timeout, given an existing setup done in such a manner:

        |> Sql.fromUri
        |> Sql.connect
        |> Sql.executeTransactionAsync transaction

My best idea so far is to do

        |> Sql.fromUri
        |> (fun connectionString -> connectionString + "; Command Timeout=600")
        |> Sql.connect
        |> Sql.executeTransactionAsync transaction

...but it feels a bit hacky and like maybe I'm missing some better way to do it (and I'm not sure it works yet). Am I missing something?

Must I stop using URI postgres connection format and start using this style (code from readme) in order to be able to add configurations?:

// (2) hardcoded
let connectionString = "Host=localhost; Database=dvdrental; Username=postgres; Password=postgres;"

Thankful for any help!

Hi there @Mousaka, the way you are adding a parameter is OK! However, using the format PARAMETER=VALUE; is indeed the default way of setting up connection strings. I've added Sql.fromUri support because sometimes you don't have control over where the connection string comes from: i.e. from Heroku where they give you a URL but if you have control over the connection string, then just use the default format.

Hope this helps! I'll close the issue for now. Feel free to re-open if the problem persists