
Is there a better way to create a WHERE IN clause?

aspnetde opened this issue ยท 6 comments

I need to create a query which uses WHERE IN, like:

SELECT * FROM X WHERE X.ID IN (a, b, c, d, ...)

Right now I am manually putting together the query as a string, which feels ... not optimal.

let set (blobIds: BlobId list) =
    let whereIn =
        System.String.Join(", ", blobIds |> (fun blobId -> sprintf "'%O'" blobId.Value))
    |> Sql.query (sprintf "SELECT b.* FROM blob b WHERE IN (%s)" whereIn)
    |> Sql.executeAsync map
    |> Sql.throwOrUnwrap

Is there a built-in way that I missed?

Hi there,

Postgres has a built-in called ANY for these types of queries:

SELECT * FROM blob WHERE = ANY(@blobIds)

Use the function Sql.intArray to provide the integers of the @blobIds input parameter

TIL :-) Thanks.

@Zaid-Ajaj I'm just migrating from SQLProvider to this library and I use mostly bigint/int64 as primary keys. What could I use instead of Sql.intArray in this case?

Currently Sql.int64Array doesn't exist but it is just a shorthand for creating a NpgsqlParameter which you can construct yourself as follows where the parameter type is NpgsqlDbType.Array ||| NpgsqlDbType.Bigint

let identifiers = NpgsqlParameter("ids", NpgsqlDbType.Array ||| NpgsqlDbType.Bigint)
identifiers.Value <- [| 42L |]
// later on
Sql.parameters [ "ids", Sql.parameter identifiers ]

I haven't tested but this is the gist of it.

If you also know that your IDs of type bigint are small (less than Int32.MaxValuethen you can convert yourint64intointand intoSql.intArray` but it is risky if you have billions of records.

If the above don't work for you, please open a separate issue so we can track and fix it

Perfect, thanks. I locally extended the Sql module with:

let int64Array (value: int64 []) =
    let param = NpgsqlParameter()
    param.NpgsqlDbType <- NpgsqlDbType.Array ||| NpgsqlDbType.Bigint
    param.Value <- value
    SqlValue.Parameter param

and then use it like

Sql.parameters [ "ids", Sql.int64Array ids ]

Should be similar to what has been done with Sql.timestampz in the library.

The only problem you might come across is that the analyzer doesn't understand new functions that you add yourself and might think you are missing parameters. I don't know if that is the case, but consider opening issues op those if they popup or just use Sql.skipAnalysis function when you don't care ๐Ÿ˜‰