
Mushrooms in Cave

Closed this issue · 6 comments

waynn commented

They actually regenerate daily, not every two days just as a heads-up.

No, that isn't true.

For the purposes of this guide, you will be going to bed at 2 AM on every single night, so they will only regenerate at 12:40 PM at the earliest. At this time, you are usually doing some important task away from the farm, so it would be suboptimal to harvest them at this time. See the wiki article on the cave.

If you are doing a task at your farm at between 12:40 PM and 2 AM, feel free to harvest the mushrooms early and adjust your respective harvesting schedule for the next two days. The guide doesn't bother to mention that kind of detail because it is contingent upon too many other things.

waynn commented

So I thought that too (and maybe it's different on the Switch) but I collected mushrooms three days in a row on the way to the mines. I'll screenshot it next time.

waynn commented

Ok, here are five screenshots showing -- I actually missed a day in between, and on Spring 11 the boxes are empty because I just harvested them (you can see the bottom left corner), but I figured I'd upload all of them. So maybe it's different on Switch, but I definitely harvested them 6 days in a row in the morning.


waynn commented

@Zamiell just so you see it

i don't play on switch, so i'm not really interested in spading results from switch.
any differences that you find between pc and switch would be irrelevant for the purposes of the guide.
test on pc?

waynn commented