
CustomCheck does not respect enabled keyword

tuchandra opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello! I heard about bulwark at Chipy a few weeks back and it seemed awesome (great talk!). I just got around to trying it out on a personal project of mine.

It looks like a CustomCheck does not respect the enabled keyword. To my knowledge, the following should run fine, but fails when run top-to-bottom.

import bulwark.checks as ck
import bulwark.decorators as dc

def this_fails(df):
    assert False
    return df

@dc.CustomCheck(this_fails, enabled=False)
def do_thing():
    return 12


raises the stack trace

In [35]: import bulwark.checks as ck 
    ...: import bulwark.decorators as dc 
    ...: def this_fails(df): 
    ...:     assert False 
    ...:     return df 
    ...: @dc.CustomCheck(this_fails, enabled=False) 
    ...: def do_thing(): 
    ...:     return 12 

In [36]: do_thing()                                                                                                                                                                                     
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-3911ada705c2> in <module>
----> 1 do_thing()

~/miniconda3/envs/scooter/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bulwark/ in wrapper(*operation_args, **operation_kwargs)
     60         def wrapper(*operation_args, **operation_kwargs):
     61             df = operation_func(*operation_args, **operation_kwargs)
---> 62             ck.custom_check(check_func, df, *args, **kwargs)
     63             return df
     64         return wrapper

~/miniconda3/envs/scooter/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bulwark/ in custom_check(check_func, df, *args, **kwargs)
    521     """
    522     try:
--> 523         check_func(df, *args, **kwargs)
    524     except AssertionError as e:
    525         msg = "{} is not true.".format(check_func.__name__)

TypeError: this_fails() got an unexpected keyword argument 'enabled'

It looks like the code for custom_check (here) doesn't fit into BaseDecorator based on the TODO, which is what uses self.enabled. But there's a lot of magic going on here, so I'm not totally sure of the cause.

ZaxR commented

Thanks for this report. Looks like I just forgot to add support for this. Right now every arg/kwarg is just being passed to the check function. Mimicking BaseDecorator's enabled check is probably the easiest way to add this capability. I'll try and put something together ASAP.

ZaxR commented

I believe I've fixed the issue and a couple potential others with CustomCheck decorator. I'm going to take a break, so I can double-check with fresh eyes before merging, but should be merged tonight.

Cheers, thanks for the prompt response and fix! I appreciate it a lot.