Node-hosted web interface for blink1 that uses node-blink1 and node-hid to communicate with the device.
- python 2.7.3 - if you have later versions of python you may have to do tricksy things with your path variable
- npm, nodejs - some effort may be required to fix npm, see separate section
Clone this repo
git clone
cd blink1-web
npm install
The npm install may need sudo. If it fails, try installing node-hid globally.
node server.js
- Interface for getting, setting, and playing sequences.
- Buttons for specific states. Maybe programmable? Ideas from the blinkcontrol program.
- Support multiple blink1 devices
- Support different firmwares?
- enter command from url
- make real npm module
- error handle and resume if device is removed and readded
- Resizing the browser window may screw up the color pickers.
Just doing an install npm
should work on most modern dists. If you encounter trouble, try the following:
Install npm
sudo apt-get install npm
Name conflict in package manager may mean you have to manually link the binary
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
install prereqs for getting node-hid to work on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
npm cant handle https apparently
sudo npm config set registry
npm config set registry
blink1 specific instructions
sudo cp 51-blink1.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
reboot is needed to fix node version mismatch
sudo shutdown -r now
After that just do npm install
in this repo.