
Suggestions for /party enhancements

Opened this issue · 4 comments

db0 commented
  • For recurring parties, allow to specify max amount of rewards per person (so someone doesn't just abuse the feature)

  • Allow the creator to optionally specify a "winner" somehow. Alternatively allow the winner to be selected based on the amount of a specific emoji applied to their generations. Winning gives an extra reward specified by the creator.

  • Track amount of times someone has "won" a party. Display it on their /userinfo

  • When starting a party, allow the creator to specify a max number of kudos they want to spend on the party. (Perhaps, when the kudos are spend, thus could be the end condition for that party)
db0 commented
  • When starting the party, allow to specify an optional list of words. Only generations which include one of those words get the reward.
  • When starting the party, allow to specify an optional list of words. Only generations which include one of those words get the reward.

this has been implemented in 6c6fe79

replace recurring with maximUm number of allowed rewards. I feel that whole this doesn't quite satisfy @tijszwinkels suggestion it's somewhat better as it prevents someone from using up all the rewards by spamming requests (this isn't a greatest issue, but it has happened twice that I'm aware of, and I'm trying to make parties more popular)

  • after the user has used up their quota, make it clear that they won't get anymore rewards, but they may pay for their own generations if they wish to continue (maybe this can be configurable with a setting as well if others want, but I don't particularly care about this)
  • this requires changing the database bool column to an int column

Allow paying for generations and not providing a reward (currently the minimum reward is 1, set minimum reward to 0 instead). If the user is a new person with no kudos (or isn't confident they can afford to pay for a party) and decides not to pay for generations either, the party can still be useful for generating with a common style and comparing results.

  • Maybe differentiate rewards with the name of the thread? Emoji can be used in the thread name to signify rewards/paid generations without being super obvious (🤑💸 style vs style?).
  • I use parties this way on my own server occasionally, when I'm just generating for myself.

Allow server admins (or those with manage channels permission?) to end parties early. They can already effectively do so by closing the thread.

Allow specifying the channel a party should start in. I have a (possibly incorrect) understanding that this will allow parties to be started in forums without other code being added, but I haven't actually checked that this is true. This is based purely on documentation and looking at related code from other bots, so if it doesn't work that way then it doesn't really matter.