
installation error.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

when i am going to install your application it gives error:
file_get_contents(E:\wamp\www\starter-laravel-angular\public/build/rev-manifest.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (View: E:\wamp\www\starter-laravel-angular\resources\views\layout.blade.php)

node is installed
npm is installed but gulp is not found.
please guide me to make it.

Zemke commented

If Gulp is not found, then I guess you haven't got it installed (globally). To install Gulp globally execute npm install -g gulp. Then try again.

file_get_contents(E:\wamp\www\starter-laravel-angular\public/build/rev-manifest.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (View: E:\wamp\www\starter-laravel-angular\resources\views\layout.blade.php) is an error that occurs when composer install --prefer-dist wasn't run.

If problems persist, just comment here again, I'm glad to help.

I made a fresh install and got the same error:

file_get_contents(C:\xampp\htdocs\starter-laravel-angular\public/build/rev-manifest.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\starter-laravel-angular\resources\views\layout.blade.php)

gulp installed and run succesfully
composer install --prefer-dist run more than once without errors

What else?

I found the solution myself:

In gulpfile.js I added public/ path to files listed in version, resulting in:


running gulp again it generate rev-manifest.json properly.