
Application get_env when using as a library

simonprev opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, the lib doesn’t seem to pickup the config when calling Application.get_env(:ex_audit, :tracked_schemas). If I call it in my app, I get a List. But in the lib it gets nil. Could this be an error in the order of compilation?

The blog post seems to talk about the problems in configuring a lib the way ex_audit does: https://michal.muskala.eu/2017/07/30/configuring-elixir-libraries.html

Or maybe I misconfigured something, 😄


Runtime configuration is of no use for this key, so I'm using the normal Application config there. Can you tell me a bit more about your setup:

  • Elixir/Erlang version
  • mix.exs file
  • config.exs file

If setup correctly, the application configuration should work fine.

Sorry for the delay, I tried it again but a cleaned the build/deps first and everything was working perfectly 👍

Thanks for the great lib 😄