
run get_commit_info.py occurs "File uniAndroidCSV_split.csv does not exist: 'uniAndroidCSV_split.csv'"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for your excellent work! However, when I run the scripts, some errors occurred. There seem to miss some files or folders.
For running scrape_all_the_cve,py, there seems to miss "./Logs/main_log_all.log".
For running get_commit_info.py, there seems to miss "uniAndroidCSV_split.csv".
Please check if there are missing folders or files. Thanks.

For running scrape_all_the_cve,py, there seems to miss "./Logs/main_log_all.log".

Thanks for your interest!

You will need to create any file directory to store this kind of error message.