
Questions about evaluation details

xmlyqing00 opened this issue · 0 comments


Thank you for providing the training and evaluation codes. In the evaluation part, you solve the quadratic constraint (Eqn 7) to get the optimal assignment. In your code, the QC-optimization starts from line 128 in QCDGM/model.py. The quadratic constraints are AA_src and BB_tgt

After that, I think the assignment is stored in the variable s (or X? I'm confused here, I think it should be X but you return s instead) and it is returned to eval.py as s_pred.

You do a Hungarian algorithm here (eval.py line 81) to discrete the values. That makes sense. But I can't follow the following several lines. You do the qc_opt again with constraints A_src and A_tgt, which represents edge connections. Why do you need to do it as "post-processing"? In your training codes, I don't see such post-processing there.

Thanks for your time.