
[ BUG ]

ImSe4n opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
I am merging Giveaway with on of my discord bots and I keep on getting the error "RangeError [EMBED_FOOTER_TEXT]: MessageEmbed footer text must be a string." Why is this happening? I have tried using the original Giveaway bot without merging and I get the error "RangeError [EMBED_AUTHOR_NAME]: MessageEmbed author name must be a string." This happens when I use Slash Commands and happens when I use the bonusrole, roleamount, role, and invite options. Please fix it 🙏

My bot:

Giveaway bot:

What discord.js version are you running

discord.js ^13.1.0

I fixed it! I switched to ^13.6.0