Suicide Squad Isekai is pulling the Japanese episode summaries from TVDB
Opened this issue · 8 comments
Oddly enough, the series summary is in english, but episode summaries are pulling from the Japanese version. I've done quite a bit of testing in the bundle, but can't figure out why it only wants to pull Japanese.
I've tested on another anime that's inheriting from TVDB (Berserk 1997), but that pulls both series and episode summaries in English as expected. Any API calls either from CLI or browser, both pull summaries in english, even when copying the exact headers and token the bundle is using.
Here's a python snippet I've been using for testing. The only way I can get it to pull in Japanese is to change the Accept-Language
key value to ja
import requests
url = ''
test_ep = '/series/436846/episodes?page=1'
token = 'A27AD9BE0DA63333'
login_ep = '/login'
headers = {
'User-agent': 'Plex/HAMA',
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': 'en'
bearer_token = ''
data = {
'apikey': token
if not bearer_token:
r =, headers=headers, json=data)
bearer_token = r.json()['token']
headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {bearer_token}'
r = requests.get(url+test_ep, headers=headers)
Log Snippet
[X] s1e1 s01e001 anidbid: 18098 air_date: 2024-06-27 abs_number: 1, title: 第1話
- [1] title: [en] 第1話
- [1] summary: [en] ″新しい世界″。狂気に満ちた理想を掲げ毎夜ゴッサム・シティを暴れ回るハーレイ・クインとジョーカーだったが、カタナの襲撃により、ハーレイは監獄にブチ込まれてしまう。収監の半年後、A.R.G.U.S長官のアマンダはハーレイを気絶させ監獄から連れ出し、ヘリコプターへと乗せる。目を覚ましたハーレイの目の前にいたのは、悪党面したおっさん=デッドショット、お調子者のナルシスト=クレイフェイス、ズタ袋を被ったマッチョマン=ピースメイカー!!意味不明な状況下、モニター越しのアマンダから告げられたのは、爆弾付きの極秘ミッションだった!!
common.SaveFile() - CachePath: '/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems', file: 'TheTVDB/json/436846/episode_9879316_ja.json'
Root Agent Log
2024-08-22 00:20:16,149 - 15151ea57b38 - Fetching '' from the HTTP cache
2024-08-22 00:20:16,171 - 15151ea57b38 - Downloaded URL ''
Plex library language is the one used for the summaries, whether series or episodes.
Metadata source for each is not indicated.
I've done quite a bit of testing in the bundle, but can't figure out why it only wants to pull Japanese.
If you did look in the series specific logs, it tells the metadata source priority for each field AND which source provided which value... Logs location is in the troubleshooting section of the readme
If you did look in the series specific logs, it tells the metadata source priority for each field AND which source provided which value
Yes and it is as I mentioned, they're both pulling from TVDB. I'm just not sure why it's pulling the Japanese version
Plex library language is the one used for the summaries, whether series or episodes.
Library is set to English, and language priorities are only en
Source Log
metadata.seasons[ 1].episodes[ 1]
[?] rank: 0, source_title: AniDB, title: "Episode 1"
[!] title: Episode 1, language_rank 0, rank: 0, len(languages): "3"
[=] title Sources: (AniDB), TheTVDB Inside: '['TheTVDB', 'AniDB']' Value: 'Episode 1'
[=] summary Sources: (TheTVDB) Inside: '['TheTVDB']' Value: '″新しい世界″。狂気に満ちた理想を掲げ毎夜ゴッサム・シティを暴れ回るハーレイ・クインとジョーカーだったが、カタナの襲撃により、ハーレイは監獄にブチ込まれてしまう..'
[=] originally_available_at Sources: (AniDB), TheTVDB Inside: '['TheTVDB', 'AniDB']' Value: '2024-06-27'
[=] directors Sources: (AniDB),TheTVDB Inside: '['AniDB']' Value: 'Osada Eri'
[=] producers Sources: (AniDB),TheTVDB Inside: '['AniDB']' Value: 'Umehara Eiji,Nagatsuki Tappei'
[=] rating Sources: TheTVDB, AniDB| TheTVDB, (AniDB) Inside: '['AniDB']' Value: '3.20'
[=] thumbs ( 1) Sources: (TheTVDB) Inside: '['TheTVDB']' Value: '{'': ('TheTVDB/episodes/667c2935936db.jpg', 1, None)}'
[=] duration Sources: (TheTVDB), AniDB, MyAnimeList, TheMovieDb, OMDb Inside: '['TheTVDB', 'AniDB']' Value: '1440000'
[=] content_rating Sources: AniDB, (TheTVDB) Inside: '['TheTVDB']' Value: 'TV-MA' doesn't have japanese summary, title pulled from AniDB.
Cached file japanese indeed
Don't have logs so cannot check the json for each episode by clicking on it to identify the issue... doesn't have japanese summary, title pulled from AniDB.
Yea I'm only talking about the summaries. There is a Japanese summary which is what Hama is pulling for episodes_page1-en.json
attached here episodes_page1_en.json
Don't have logs so cannot check the json for each episode by clicking on it to identify the issue...
Here are the full logs
Suicide Squad ISEKAI {imdb-tt28279848}.agent-update.log
After some more digging and testing. I think the problem is the line here
Line 234 in daa4300
This seems to determine the search language. I have my priority setup as en, x-jat, ja
. Since line 71 defining language_episodes
seems to ignore x-jat, the remaining array is just ['en', 'ja']
. The logic in line 234 seems to ignore the first priority item entirely and use the language at index 1 which is ja
for me.
common.SaveFile() - CachePath: '/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems', file: 'TheTVDB/json/436846/episodes_page1_en.json'
=> the file says english but contain Japanese summaries, is loaded at that line, and use lang variable (the library language which is set to english)
Line 129 in daa4300
delete the cached file, metadata search for series and modify title searched to "clear-cache", cancel, and refresh metadata and check this json file content for english summary
Issue still present ?
it might be, but I've adjusted my language to only have en
as a workaround