
Print label no longer displayed on re-designed lichess page

PhilW32 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi Robert, thanks for a great chrome extension, I use it to pretty print my lichess chess games. Since the 9th June 2022 or thereabouts however, the lichess web pages have been re-designed and re-named and the print label that triggers the extension no longer appears.

Within the "Analysis Board" section of the webpages, the old "FEN & PGN" page has been renamed to ""Share & Export", and has been re-designed.

I have my fingers crossed that the fix is straight-forward and that you have a moment or two to implement it. Thanks again for a great piece of software.

Great to hear you enjoy the extension. I had no idea it had stopped working - I'm not playing much chess these days, so thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look.

@PhilW32 the fix has just gone live (version 3.0.0). It took a few days for the Chrome extension team to approve it, but it should be working again now. Let me know if you have any trouble.

Hi Robert, that's great, thank you. I attach a new screenshot for your use whenever you need one; also I offer to submit a note to the Lichess Forums to let other users know of your fantastic extension if you think that's a good idea.

Thanks again, kind regards
Lichess print friendly screenshot for v3 0

Sure that would be great!