
"/lib64/ version `OPENSSL_1.0.2' not found (required by ./php)" error occurs after PHP binary is rebuilt

JakubBarta opened this issue · 2 comments

When I install this project and deploy it right away, everything works.
But after I rebuild PHP binary by running sh (without modifying anything) and then deploy, execution always fails with "/lib64/ version `OPENSSL_1.0.2' not found (required by ./php)" error.

Having the same issue here, looks like Amazon Linux 2017.09 ships with OpenSSL 1.0.2 but Lambda is still on 1.0.1.

I think I got it working. Thanks @dprevite for isolating the problem. The now installs OpenSSH 1.0.1k. When Amazon updates the lambda image to 1.0.2 we can revert to using yum.