Sign in with Ethereum

Auth flow

  1. User receives a nonce from the backend (stored in the database)
  2. User signs message with their private key
  3. User sends the signature to the backend
  4. Backend verifies the signature + nonce, returns a JWT token
  5. Delete the nonce from the database to prevent replay attacks

What to improve

  • Add better logging, send it to Prometheus or something similar
  • Add a CI/CD pipeline and IaC. Currently, the backend is using AWS EC2 previous setup from another project.
  • Add more tests, especially for the frontend, at least an end-to-end test using synpress to test frontend -> backend happy-path.


The frontend is built with Reactl, Zustard TailwindCSS and ethers.js. The frontend is hosted on Vercel.

It uses the container/view pattern for the components.

How to run

  1. Rename env.example to .env
  2. Update the .env file in the /app folder with the correct values
  3. Run the following commands
cd app 
npm install
npm run dev


  • React
  • Zustard
  • TailwindCSS
  • ethers.js


Backend is a simple CRUD (Currently not supporting deleting) app. The backend is hosted in AWS EC2 using docker and docker-compose. It builds two docker images, one for the backend and one for the database.

Since the app has little domain logic, test coverage is not that high. To compensate for this, I wrote some end-to-end tests using supertest and jest.

  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • siwe
  • joi (validation)
  • jest (testing)
  • supertest (testing)

How to run

  1. Rename env.example to .env
  2. Update the .env file in the root folder with the correct values
  3. Run the following commands
docker-compose up -d