
ENS/Utils nameHash appends '.eth' to input name, breaking dnssec domain names

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This is just an observation that this will probably cause trouble for the additional domains ens now resolved.

nameHash function

if (!inputName.contains('.eth')) {
inputName = '$inputName.eth';

test/ens_dart_test.dart for coverage (note this still fails, but I suspect that is due to an older resolver contract integration.)

    test('.getname on non.eth domain', () async {
      // https://app.ens.domains/gregskril.com
      // OffchainDNSResolver: 0xF142B308cF687d4358410a4cB885513b30A42025
      final emptyName = await ens.withName('gregskril.com').getAddress();
      expect(emptyName, EthereumAddress.fromHex('0x179A862703a4adfb29896552DF9e307980D19285'));