
IPFS API for kotlin to access a IPFS node via http

Primary LanguageKotlin

IPFS API for kotlin to access a IPFS node via http


Get it

You can get the artifact via jitpack - here you see how to use with gradle - for other build systems have a look here

repositories {
  maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.ligi:ipfs-api-kotlin:$current_version'

Use it with kotlin

add a string

val multihash = IPFS().add.string("test-string").Hash

get a string

val content = IPFS().get.cat(multihash)

get commit from version

val commit = IPFS().info.version().Commit

Use it with java

you can also use it from java - but it is more verbose:

final String multihash = new IPFS().getAdd().string("test-string").getHash();

Apps that use this library

Please send a message or even PR if you write/find an app that also uses this library.


We depend on okhttp and moshi which play well together with okio
