
NPC Bots bugs out when entering an instance

Zaila1337 opened this issue · 7 comments

Whenever i'm trying to enter an instance with NPC Bots, they bug out by loosing all their mana and not being able to regen mana anymore until you dismiss them and they get a skull on their target portrait where you should be able to see their level.


The NPC in this case is a hunter and now it's permanently bugged. The other picture is what they look like after i dismissed her completly:


After spending a couple of hours trying to find what could cause this issue, i suspect something is happening between NPCBots and Autobalancer when zoning into instances.

This is a picture of a bots stats directly after hiring it:

NPCBot Stat before

This is the stats of the exact same bot after zoning into Molten core:

NPCBot Stat After

The variables mana regen_5 no cast and mana regen_5 casting completly dissapeares when zoning into an instance.

NPC bots and Autobalance do not work well together on their own.

I run this fork https://github.com/trickerer/Autobalance_for_NPCBots and the core with NPC Bots built it https://github.com/trickerer/AzerothCore-wotlk-with-NPCBots

I'm getting the same issue. It doesn't seem to effect characters that don't use mana though...

re-read your issue, I'm not sure why the rouge I brought in with me didn't bug out when it seems like the non-mana using character was bugged for you too. I entered and exited deadmines a few times... but it doesn't really make sense.

I get the issue that Autobalance does not recognize the Bot as a player - so the difficulty curve is not adjusted when running with bots. =(
@ZhengPeiRu21 would it be possible to include the patch Kabakaylen listen in the preview build?

Is there no manual fix for this? Disabling everything in the auto balance config files (both AutoBalance.conf and AutoBalance.conf.dist to be sure) doesn't work.

The enemies are not balanced anymore but the main problem remains: All bots have 0 mana. Bots without mana (like warrior) at least function.

Struggling with this problem now as well on the update from yesterday, also ran into it on the March version which is why I decided to update. Any bot that uses mana just completely bricks upon entering an instance, and even the bots that don't use mana have their levels bug out. I've found that updating the bots role will fix the level bug, but does not fix the issues regarding mana.