
Missing supplementary material in the paper

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I was not able to figure where are the supplementary material present in the paper . The pink color indicates that it is clickable but thats not the case . The information is also neither present at the end of the paper nor in the git repo

You can find it here: [stuff].

I can see a lot of zip files , Most of them are Datasets .

I am looking for "The full definition of each
individual loss can be found in the supplementary material." and

"For a comprehensive evaluation, we employ the Smeasure [6] (Sm), max/mean/weighted F-measure 1, mean
absolute error (MAE), and relax HCE [31] (HCEγ) to evaluate performance. Detailed descriptions of these metrics
can be found in the supplementary material."

where can i find more information about these

The citations are consistent with those in the main article, which you can refer to.
Or you can find the definitions from IS-Net.