
Change content at specific TAG before build

chingling123 opened this issue · 10 comments

I need to change the text at a specific tag, like H2 I need that all H2 tag needs to but uppercase.

Let me confirm first, are you requesting to convert the text to uppercase or lowercase? If so, I can consider capitalization as a style feature and extend it to MarkupStyle. This is because capitalization requires modifying the actual text itself, which is not controlled by NSAttributedString Attributes.

try latest 1.3.8 version of ZMarkupParser:

let parser = ZHTMLParserBuilder.initWithDefault().add(H1_HTMLTagName(), withCustomStyle: MarkupStyle(font: MarkupStyleFont(size: 24), fontCase: .uppercase)).build()

should working:

Thanks, it's working, I'm using the main branch from swift package.
BTW, when I have this html:

heading 2

the H2 custom style not working at all, I can change the color, but font and the new font case is ignored, it's something that I need to do at the code?


Thanks, it's working, I'm using the main branch from swift package. BTW, when I have this html:

heading 2

the H2 custom style not working at all, I can change the color, but font and the new font case is ignored, it's something that I need to do at the code?


could you provide the full code?
I've try:

<h2 style="text-align: justify;"><span style="color: #e67e23;"><span style="color: #0000ff;">heading 2</span></span></h2>

it's working, h2 color has set to 0000ff

Hello, I tested the following code:

let parser = ZHTMLParserBuilder.initWithDefault().add(H2_HTMLTagName(), withCustomStyle: MarkupStyle(font:MarkupStyleFont(UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)), fontCase: MarkupStyleFont.CaseStyle.uppercase, foregroundColor:MarkupStyleColor.init(color: .yellow))).build()

let textView = UITextView()
textView.frame.size.width = 390
textView.isScrollEnabled = false
textView.backgroundColor = .white
textView.setHtmlString("sss <h2 style=\"text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: #e67e23;\"><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">heading 2</span></span></h2> sss", with: parser)


The result is normal.

I suspect that your use of UIFont.bold(14) as a non-official Foundation UIFont initialization might be causing the issue.

Can you try print(UIFont.bold(14).pointSize)?

Alternatively, you can directly declare a custom bold font size using MarkupStyleFont(size: 15, weight: .bold).

Thank you!

Printed: FONT: 14.0
FONT: <UICTFont: 0x7fe4180fc820> font-family: "Roboto"; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-size: 14.00pt
It's my custom font

Should be fixed in the latest release (v1.4.0). Thank you for your feedback.
Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 14 - 2023-07-23 at 13 07 40