
Custom Font

andresantana-dev opened this issue · 5 comments


It's possible to set a custom font to regular text or to bold tag?
I'm using the MarkupStyle, but it's only changing the size, not the font.


If you only want to set the width of the font (regular/weight), you can do so by setting the font property in MarkupStyleFont, like this: MarkupStyleFont(size: CGFloat? = nil, weight: FontWeight? = .style(.bold), italic: Bool? = nil).

If you want to set the font family, it is currently not possible to convert CSS Font to iOS UIFont (because they are based on different operating systems, and platform considerations would need to be taken into account if this were to be implemented).

At the moment I need to change the font family, because your framework fix all my problems with the html parser.

Saw the PR open, maybe will be included next release! 🤞

Thanks a lot!

I have implemented it in PR #29.
Once it's tested and there are no issues, I will merge it.
and after merging PR #27, we will release a new version.

Thank you.

released @ v1.5.0

Thanks a lot!