ConGD RGB_Depth_RNN_LSTM method:
ConGD RGB_Depth_LSTM method: hand and face detection -> hog features and skeleton pair -> RNN_LSTM
This code was tested on Windows10 OS with VS2012(opencv2.4.8) and Ubuntu 14.04 OS with Python 2.7, keras, faster-rcnn. Please double check the paths in code before your run it.
##Steps in detail of RGB_Depth_LSTM method:
####Step 1. Hand detection for each video.
#####Steps for hand detection:
######Step(1). Install faster-rcnn from Make sure run the ./tools/ successfully
######Step(2). Copy the folder ConAllcode/HandDetectioncode/py-faster-rcnn to your faster-rcnn installed path. Replace the file if it already exists.
######Step(3). Cd py-faster-rcnn, run ./tools/ to detect hands in rgb videos, then run ./tools/ to detect hands in depth video. Each file you may change the root_path in main function. (In ICT_NHCI_ContinuousGestureCode/ConAllcodes/HandDetectioncode/py-faster-rcnn/data/faster_rcnn_models path, trained caffe models do not exist, which can be downloaded from )
######The detection results will be saved in the OriginalDetectionLabel folder which is in the same level folder as 'test'.
####Step 2. Data processing, contains refine detection results and extract hog features.
#####Steps for data processing:
######Step(1): Copy the detection results folder OriginalDetectionLabel to ConAllcode/ProcessingDatacode/output/
######Step(2): Change the filePath and Trainlist variable (line 28 and 29) in ProcessingDataConG.cpp to appropriate path.
######Step(3): Run. Depth and RGB hog feature will be generated in output/HOG/Depth/ and output/HOG/RGB/, rgb and depth face info will be generated in output/RGBFacePosition and output/DepthFacePosition
####Step 3. RNN_LSTM Classifer.
#####Steps for RNN_LSTM:
######Step(1) Install keras [].
######Step(2) Copy the Depth and RGB hog feature files (with folder) to ConAllcode/ConG_RNN_LSTMcode/TestHogFeature/. Copy Depth and RGB face position txt file to IsoAllcode/ConG_RNN_LSTMcode/FacePosition/. Copy the output/ConGTestSegInfo to ConAllcode/ConG_RNN_LSTMcode/. (These files can be geted from Setp 2)
######Step(3) Run and generate a final submission file named ConGsubtmp.txt in ConAllcode/ConG_RNN_LSTMcode/