Multitask Environments for RL
Basic Usage
This library contains a variety of gym GoalEnv
As a running example, let's say we have a CarEnv
Like normal gym envs, we can do
env = CarEnv()
obs = env.reset()
next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
Unlike Env
s, the observation space of GoalEnv
s is a dictionary.
# Output:
# {
# 'observation': ...,
# 'desired_goal': ...,
# 'achieved_goal': ...,
# }
This can make it rather difficult to use these envs with existing RL code, which usually expects a flat vector. Hence, we include a wrapper that converts this dictionary-observation env into a normal "flat" environment:
base_env = CarEnv()
env = FlatGoalEnv(base_env, obs_key='observation')
obs = env.reset() # returns just the 'observation'
action = policy_that_takes_in_vector(obs)
The observation space of FlatGoalEnv will be the corresponding env of the vector
However, note that the goal is not part of the observation!
Not giving the goal to the policy might make the task impossible.
We provide two possible solutions to this:
- Use the
base_env = CarEnv()
env = FlatGoalEnv(base_env, obs_key='observation')
obs = env.reset() # returns just the 'observation'
goal = env.get_goal()
action = policy_that_takes_in_two_vectors(obs, goal)
- Pass in a list including
to FlatGoalEnv and setappend_goal_to_obs
base_env = CarEnv()
env = FlatGoalEnv(
obs_key=['observation', 'desired_goal'],
append_goal_to_obs=True, # default value is False
obs = env.reset() # returns 'observation' concatenated to `desired_goal`
action = policy_that_takes_in_vector(obs)
Extending Obs/Goals - Debugging and Multi-Modality
One nice thing about using Dict spaces + FlatGoalEnv is that it makes it really easy to extend and debug.
For example, this repo includes an ImageMujocoEnv
wrapper which converts
the observation space of a Mujoco GoalEnv into images.
Rather than completely overwriting observation
, we simply append the
images to the dictionary:
base_env = CarEnv()
env = ImageEnv(base_env)
obs = env.reset()
# Output:
# {
# 'observation': ...,
# 'desired_goal': ...,
# 'achieved_goal': ...,
# 'image_observation': ...,
# 'image_desired_goal': ...,
# 'image_achieved_goal': ...,
# 'state_observation': ..., # CarEnv sets these values by default
# 'state_desired_goal': ...,
# 'state_achieved_goal': ...,
# }
This makes it really easy to debug your environment, by e.g. using state-based observation but image-based goals:
base_env = CarEnv()
wrapped_env = ImageEnv(base_env)
env = FlatGoalEnv(
It also makes multi-model environments really easy to write!
base_env = CarEnv()
wrapped_env = ImageEnv(base_env)
wrapped_env = LidarEnv(wrapped_env)
wrapped_env = LanguageEnv(wrapped_env)
env = FlatGoalEnv(
obs_key=['image_observation', 'lidar_observation'],
goal_key=['language_desired_goal', 'image_desired_goal'],
obs = env.reset() # image + lidar observation
goal = env.get_goal() # language + image goal
Note that you don't have to use FlatGoalEnv: you can always just use the environments manually choose the keys that you care about from the observation.
WARNING: The compute_reward
interface is slightly different from gym's.
Rather than compute_reward(desired_goal, achieved_goal, info)
our interface is
compute_reward(action, observation)
, where the observation is a dictionary.
Extra features
The environments also all taken in fixed_goal
as a parameter, which disables
resampling the goal each time reset
is called. This can be useful for
debugging: first make sure the env can solve the single-goal case before trying
the multi-goal case.
The function get_diagonstics(rollouts)
returns an OrderedDict
of potentially
useful numbers to plot/log.
is a list. Each element of the list should be a dictionary describing
a rollout. A dictionary should have the following keys with the corresponding
'observations': np array,
'actions': np array,
'next_observations': np array,
'rewards': np array,
'terminals': np array,
'env_infos': list of dictionaries returned by step(),