GLException: out of memory on large project
Opened this issue · 1 comments
I have a project with 17 scenes and approximately 40Mb images. On every scene is about 10-20 Sprites with animation.
If i change scenes from first to last and back - application (device - Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Android 3.2) have a dumped and closed.
I set
in Activity, and see in LogCat, that is error:
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 10
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): android.opengl.GLException: out of memory
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at android.opengl.GLErrorWrapper.checkError(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at android.opengl.GLErrorWrapper.glDrawArrays(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCSprite.draw(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.transitions.CCTransitionScene.draw(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCNode.visit(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCDirector.drawCCScene(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.nodes.CCDirector.onDrawFrame(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
12-26 22:05:45.690: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11013): at org.cocos2d.opengl.GLSurfaceView$
I insert releasing textures in my scenes and CCTextureCache, something like this:
public void removeUnusedTextures() {
HashMap<String, Integer> tempSet = (HashMap<String, Integer>) _texturesRefCount.clone();
for (String key : tempSet.keySet()){
String nKey = key;
if (_texturesRefCount.get(nKey) <= 0){
WeakReference<CCTexture2D> texWR = textures.get(nKey);
if (texWR != null){
CCTexture2D tex = texWR.get();
if (tex != null){
And call it before scene transitions do. Size of CCTextureCache.textures hashmap not exceed of 50-60 cached textures.
This is a decrease a chance to application crash and i can do more scene transitions, than before, but i still to get crash after a some time.
_texturesRefCount - is a hashmap, i add it to CCTextureCache and increase/decrease counters for my textures.
I use sources, not a jar. Also i see all issues on this subject there and in other places, and try some solutions - noone was to work correct.
What's right way to release resources between different scenes? Does cocos2d automatically texture release, or i need to release it manually?
Problem is resolved, if i call CCTextureCache.removeAllTextures every time before new scene build. But this is not good way, really?