
An markdown editor based on marked

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A markdown editor component for react based on marked, you can edit and preview at same time.

1. Installation

npm install --save react-markdown-preview-editor

2. Usage

Minimal usage:

import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { MarkdownEditor } from 'react-markdown-preview-editor';
import 'react-markdown-preview-editor/lib/css/style.css';

    <MarkdownPreview  />,

Attention: style.css must be import.

You can use also Editor or Preview alone. Of course, style.css is needed.

import { Editor, MarkdownPreview } from 'react-markdown-preview-editor';
import 'react-markdown-preview-editor/lib/css/style.css';

3. Options


Type: string Default: 300px
Height of the whole editor, can be 'px' or '%'


Type: string
Initial value of editor and preview


Type: boolean Default: true
Show editor or not


Type: boolean Default: true
Show editor nav or not


Type: boolean Default: true
Show preview or not


Type: boolean Default: true
Change order of editor and preview


Type: object
Regist custom markdown buttons for markBtns option.

   heading: {
         mark: '# ',
         type: 'insert',
         icon: 'icon-font-size',
         iconTheme: 'color',
         tips: 'heading',
         text: 'test'
      italic: {
        mark: ['*','*'],
        type: 'around',
        icon: 'icon-italic',
        tips: 'italic'

heading: name of the button.

mark: markdown sign, string for insert or array for around.

type: define the way markdown insert in, insert and around can be used.insert is insert mark at cursor, around is add mark on both sides of selected part.

icon: the button icon, is a class add to span, icomoon and font awesome are avalible.

iconTheme: define the appearance of button, such as color, hover .

tips: tips when mouse hover.

text: define text after icon.


Type: array Default buttons:

  • heading
  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • strikethrough
  • blockquote
  • code
  • list-ol
  • list-ul
  • link
  • table
  • line
  • picture

You can also add buttons registed. For example, new button code is registed, you can set prop markBtns=['*', 'code'] to add code button to the navbar. Attention: * in markBtns array means keep default buttons, if set prop markBtns=['code'], the navbar will only have a code button.

      code: {
          mark: ['`','`'],
          type: 'around',
          icon: 'icon-code',
          tips: 'code'
    markBtns={['*', 'code']}


Type: object Default:

gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: true,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: false,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false

You can click Here to get detail infomation.


Type: object define the apprance and behavior of editor you can click here for detail.

Editor theme and preview code color

You can set theme of edditor. Theme files can be found in node_modules/codemirror/theme, and used like the example below:

import 'codemirror/theme/monokai.css';
<MarkdownEditor  codemirrorOptions={{theme:'monokai'}}/>

The code color of preview can be setted.Just import highlight style file what you like. Style files can be found in node_modules/highlight.js/style, you can do like this:

import '/highlight.js/style/gitbub.css';


See LICENSE for more info.