DE GSM not functional for QChem
kspieks opened this issue · 3 comments
kspieks commented
Hi Cody,
Can you please help me test pyGSM for QChem? There were a few minor errors in the current master branch. I tried fixing some locally, but I figure you have a better idea of how many more changes are necessary. I would appreciate your help to run further tests to ensure DE GSM is functional with QChem.
craldaz commented
Just wanted to let you know I received this, an I'll take a look at this soon. Sorry for the delay.
kspieks commented
No worries. Thanks for looking into it.
craldaz commented
I don't have access to Q-Chem, but I did spot a few errors in Q-Chem a while back that I fixed. I think it should be fixed but I don't have a way of checking.