
Autocompletion is not working

humam2104 opened this issue · 4 comments

No matter what I do it doesn't work!
And when I add your code into my settings it tells me there's an error or something and if I put a coma at the end it doesn't show the error, I'm talking about this:
"auto_complete_with_fields": true, //this allows auto-completion inside snippets.
"auto_complete_triggers": //this activates auto-completion on '.' and '('
"characters": ".(",
"selector": "source.unrealscript"
"auto_complete_delay": 0,
"auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true // I prefer 'tab' to 'enter'

Note: some files are working while others don't for an unknown reason (Using Sublime text 3) - Latest version

Hi there 👋
Sorry if it isn't working for you. Unfortunately this project is ca. 7 years old and it's quite likely that stuff broke with newer Sublime versions. I myself haven't used UnrealScript nor Sublime in the last 7 years, so I no longer have the drive, knowledge and time to investigate any issues.
I remember that in the past the most common issue was that people forgot to follow this instruction:

UnrealScriptIDE will only work properly if you add the Src folder as a project.
To do so, goto 'Project' -> 'Add Folder To Project...' -> add the Src folder (/UDK/UDK-201*-**/Development/Src/)

So maybe double check if you did that. If it still doesn't work, then it's very like that "recent" changes to Sublime broke some of the code of this plugin.

Well, It doesn't much fixing I think. Because some of the files are working while others aren't! this is noticeable in the same folder.
I would appreciate you taking a look at it.
I'm modding KF2. that game still runs on uscript

Just a guess, maybe those files have some uncommon or custom language constructs and the parser somehow fails with these files?
Are there any errors in the console that could give any hints? Do you notice any difference between working files and ones that fail?