My DataCamp Project: Analyzing American Baby Name Trends

Project Description

When it comes to names, what makes one timeless and another trendy? Join me in this exciting data exploration project, where we dive into data provided by the U.S. Social Security Administration, covering over a century of American baby name trends.

In this project, I leveraged my SQL skills for data manipulation and joins to gain insights. I explored various aspects such as ranking, grouping, ordering, and pattern matching, all within the SQL framework. These SQL skills are incredibly versatile and have wide-ranging applications. Understanding how preferences and trends change over time is not only a valuable skill for businesses but also for parents seeking that perfect baby name!

Project Tasks

  1. Classic American names
  2. Timeless or trendy?
  3. Top-ranked female names since 1920
  4. Picking a baby name
  5. The Olivia expansion
  6. Many males with the same name
  7. Top male names over the years
  8. The most years at number one