Exploring Ford GoBike System Data
by Zion Oluwasegun
This data set includes information about individual rides made in a bike-sharing system covering the greater San Francisco Bay area. It contains 16 columns and 183412 rows which became 25 columns and 174952 rows after cleaning and feature engineering. This projects explores the periods and how often the bike rides/trips are made in the area.
Summary of Findings
Users cut across age groups from 18 even up to 80 with majority aged 20-40. Also, most Users are male, and most are also Subscribers. On the period of time taken to complete trips, on average, Subcribers tend to complete their trips faster than Customers, and Males end their trip faster than females. This is rekataed to the fact that on average, Subscribers take shorter trips likewise males. Peak periods of trip per day sart and end suggests that most users use bikes to and from their place of business. For the days of flooding, Subscribers were more likely to not use bikes than Customers; indeed customers are loyal. The most active stations are those in and around Market Street which can be said to be the Champs Elysees of San Fransisco.
Key Insights for Presentation
- Most trips are taken on weekdays.
- Market Street has the busiest stations.
- Average trip distance and time taken is fairly equal across demographics.