
Integer division by zero

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I thought I might try to use your report for converting xunit xml reports to html, but I am getting an integer division by zero error.

I am enclosing the testlog.txt (rename the extension to xml because I an unable to upload .xml extenstions) report where the error happens.

I tried to generate the report from commandline using the instruction:
java -jar saxon9he.jar -o:xunitResult.html -s:testlog.xml -xsl:xunit_to_html.xsl


Adding a report that also has fails so it's easier to see all the issues that do not work with the xml format.

For additional reference, the testlog.xml report is generated by Specflow.xunit testadapter addin for tests created and run using Specflow and XUnit test adapters.

As before, I have renamed the extension to 'txt'. So after downloading the attachment, just rename the extension to xml and run the jar.


Also facing this same issue. Any help would be appreciated

Also facing the same issue...