
Use babel on bot ?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Hey I just used let,
and this is crazy,
but let is a reserved identifier,
babel maybe ?

use babel for evaluating !!> ?

Advantages ?

Always latest babel supported syntax !

Please let this happen.

In FF latest:

let a = 'a';
> undefined
> "a"

So it should work without Babel. Moreso a bug in the eval code, I'd guess.

let is only available in FF from debugger eval code and script tags with type attribute set to application/javascript;version=1.7.

Zirak commented

Would !!6> be ok?

@Zirak 👍

and while we are at it, can eval be converted to an actual command so we can use it on tell? mmhmm, I am lame

@Zirak no because babel supports es7 too or (2017) how about babel> or !!babel> ? !!b> ??

!!> "use es6"; let bananas = "delicious";
!!> "use babel"; ...