
Documentation request.

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  1. node -v: https://github.com/Ziv-Barber/officegen/raw/master/manual/xlsx/README.md
  2. npm -v: 6.14.5
  3. npm ls officegen: officegen@0.6.4
  4. Operating system: Mac
  5. Microsoft Office version: N/A
  6. Problem with Powerpoint, Excel or Word document: Excel

This page shows how to do basic functions of adding data to Excel.
However inspecting the sheet.setCell I see it has other options?
[ 'length', 'name', 'arguments', 'caller', 'prototype' ]

Are these undocumented for a reason like future feature? Or am I missing something?

I'm a trying to locate things like change cell color ect, that is when I found these undocumented things.
Maybe a future roadmap for the project if these are features that are not working yet.

Thank you :)