
Strip OpenIDE-Module-Build-Version from manifest

hg-stolle opened this issue ยท 4 comments

First: Thanks for writing this Maven plugin, it is a great help to make our Java builds more reproducible. ๐Ÿ‘

However, there is one last obstacle that prevents the build from being reproducible in our case: the manifest files contain an entry like:
OpenIDE-Module-Build-Version: 201805291337
This is basically a timestamp of the build time (29th May 2018, 13:37). Since this entry changes with every build, I would appreciate it if your plugin could remove such an entry from the manifest.mf. Maybe this could also be achieved by providing a way to configure manifest entries that will be removed by the plugin, as suggested in #17 (Additional strippable manifest headers by configuration).

Zlika commented

Could you please compile and test the HEAD version of the plugin to check if this new version fits your needs?
"OpenIDE-Module-Build-Version" attributes are now removed by default, and you can add other user-configurable attributes to the list of attributes that will be removed (#17).

What a swift reaction and fix of the issue. I have to say I am quite impressed.
I've tested the current HEAD (commit 543f3be) of the plugin, and it does solve the issue with OpenIDE-Module-Build-Version. Our builds are now completely reproducible.

Thank you very much.

Zlika commented

You're welcome. I will release this new version at the end of the week if there is no regression.

That's good news, I'm looking forward to it.