
bits/c++config.h error in VSCode

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @ZiyiFeng-SJSU

This was the only way I found to contact you.

I ran into your posts on forums 3 months ago describing the exact same issue I am having.

ZiyiFeng-SJSU commented on this issue 3 months ago.
I had same issue on windows, after I add the "C:\cygwin64\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-cygwin\6.4.0\include\c++" at includePath, I got this error: cannot open source file "bits/c++config.h" (dependency of "iostream")

Did you manage to solve this? I didn't find any solution.

Hi, when i had this issue, I was using gcc's include path and I finally just gave up on the extension. When I need it again, after I had VS2017 in my PC, I think extension itself automatically detect the VS2017's include path and it never showed error the problem. So right now, my includePath is VS2017's include, instead of gcc's.
Hope this is helpful.