
Hello World

Opened this issue · 1 comments

title: 'Welcome to My site!'
date: '2021-12-02'
author: rupi
slug: welcome
category: Essay
tags: [welcome]
image: https://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2023/us-teacher-appreciation-week-2023-begins-6753651837109866-2xa.gif
description: This is the description
updatedOn: '2024-01-03'

Built using swyxkit, all the markdown syntax works in here:

  • SvelteKit
  • Tailwind 3 + Tailwind Typography
  • Netlify

Key Features and Design Considerations:

  • Posts are written as issues, add "Published" label to publish
  • Dark mode
  • Blog with blog index
  • Top level blog URLs (/myblog instead of /blog/myblog)
  • Blog content in a separte /content folder instead of in /src/routes
  • Consumes markdown and MDSveX (and in future - external data sources)
  • with syntax highlighting
  • RSS (at /api/rss.xml) with caching
  • Performance touches
  • no hydrate on about and blog pages
  • set maxage to 1 minute to cache (consider making it 1-7 days on older posts)
  • if a post is updated, can include and updatedOn and it will show before the post

And this here is a test comment with an emoji 😃