
Can't export/import profile: Cannot decrypt tox save file

dennisnez opened this issue · 3 comments

We get an error when trying to import a save.tox file that was exported from another ios device:

Cannot decrypt tox save file
Password is wrong or file is corrupted

Is anyone else able to export/import profiles?

Tha14 commented

@dennisnez Hey, I will give it another go but as I said, it worked before for me but it was on the same device.

Tha14 commented

@dennisnez So, I tried importing two profiles(I had an old one aswell) and both worked. I believe the error you get is due to inputting the wrong password at the login stage. The tox save is encrypted so a password is always required after importing the profile.

Yes you're right. Sorry for the distraction! Thank you for your time!