
add final check digit validation in SlovakId2_34

Opened this issue · 4 comments

ZsBT commented

final check digit validation is missing from SlovakId2_34 :: fromMrz()
can someone please fix this

The slovak id card seems to fit the ICAO mrtd1 specifications, which the library already supports.
I don't have any issue with other mrtd1 documents such as chile id card or albanian card.

ZsBT commented

Were you able to test a Slovak ID card (unfortunately I don't have any)? If follows the standards, we could just comment it out and let the base mrtd1 class to parse it.

You can find a sample of a recent slovak id card on this website:

However, on the same website you can find an older id card sample from the beginning of the 90s (http://www.consilium.europa.eu/prado/en/SVK-BO-01001/index.html), which does not seem to be ICAO compliant. I imagine that's the one the class SlovakId2_34 is referring to.
I couldn't find any english specifications describing the content of its MRZ and the check digits calculation.

But if it can make you feel better, this document was last issued in 2008 (the year in which this one was first issued http://www.consilium.europa.eu/prado/en/SVK-BO-02001/index.html) and its maximum validity is 10 years. So from 2018, those non ICAO documents won't be used anymore.


ZsBT commented

Good finding, we'll just remove this type due to obsolete documents.