
Some new features recommended to NOJ

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Enable SPJ read .out files

Sometimes, we 'd like to judge whether there is a valid solution and whether the solution find by user is valid. Generally, users should output YES or NO in the first line and then if it is YES, users should output any valid solution in the next line.

Another case, user's answer is considered correct if its absolute or relative error does not exceed 10^{−9}. Then we need to compare the user's answer with the std answer.

If SPJ can read .out files, everything will be easier. Otherwise, the SPJ need to run std code in itself which may consume more time, memory, other resources and make the SPJ code much longer.

Some Examples

Enable SPJ multiple languages

When creating a problem with SPJ, operator can choose a language for SPJ(C/C++) and then press a button to test whether the code can compile successfully.

Enable Interactive Problems

Some Exaxmple

Contest Rank Frozen

When a contest with frozen time has ended, it seems that the ranklist will be still frozed and won't refresh automatically.
What's more, the contest admin can't get the real-time ranklist during frozen time.
Gererally, the contest admin should have the permission to get the real-time ranklist during frozen time.

Contest Admin

The contest admin can't view participants' code.
Gererally, the contest admin should have the permission to view all the participants' code and status.