
Implement Cooldown Option in Commands

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Problem Description:
The current implementation of the handle command in Zumito Framework lacks an enhanced cooldown option with customizable cooldown messages and default emojis. This limits the ability of developers to create engaging and personalized command systems. It is crucial to implement the proposed enhancements to improve the overall functionality and user experience of the handle command.

Proposed Solution:
I request the implementation of the following enhancements to the cooldown option in the handle command of Zumito Framework:

  1. Customizable Cooldown Message: Developers should be able to define a personalized cooldown message that is displayed when a command is on cooldown. This customization allows for tailored instructions or information to be provided to users.
  2. Default Emojis for Cooldown Message: Provide a set of default emojis that can be used in the cooldown message. These default emojis ensure consistency and add visual appeal to the cooldown messages.

Implementation Benefits:

  • Empowers developers to create unique and interactive cooldown messages for their commands.
  • Enhances the user experience by providing informative and visually appealing cooldown messages.
  • Adds a level of personalization and customization to command execution.

Implementation Considerations:

  • Development effort will be required to incorporate the customizable cooldown message and default emojis into the handle command.
  • Documentation and examples should be provided to guide developers on how to utilize the enhanced cooldown option effectively.

I kindly request your attention to this implementation request for the enhanced cooldown option in the handle command of Zumito Framework. By implementing these enhancements, we can improve the versatility and engagement of the command system. I am available for any clarifications or further discussions to facilitate the implementation process.