
Templates for ListView won't render an ImageView if a HEIGHT is not set.

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When setting a template for a listView that uses a remote image a height MUST be set for this image or it won't be displayed. When the recycler view is created internally by Beagle it has its height set to ZERO as well

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a listView with a template that uses a remote image. You can use the page with a list view mocked here:

  2. Load this page in a Beagle environment (any application that could load a Server Driven page from Beagle)

  3. You will see this image


Expected Results

Since all images are set to CENTER-FIT by default. Any loaded image INSIDE a template for the listView should behave like the image below, which shows 2 lists, each with one element image on the screen. One has a height set on the template and the other hasn't


Code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:

Code for page