
Automate beagle and beagle_components versions for release

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Use case

The Beagle Flutter project is divided into three main parts: beagle, beagle_components and sample, the first two are published and the third is just a test project.
The beagle_components depends on the beagle and the sample depends on both the beagle and the beagle_components. Currently these dependencies are pointed to the versions published on pub.dev.
Looking at the development scenario, ideally, the pubspec.yaml of each package should be configured to point to the local beagle and beagle_components project directories. But for version generation, packages should always point to published versions, and never to local files.


Create a workflow for publishing beagle and beagle_components so that the version used is pub.dev. It is also necessary to always publish the beagle before publish the beagle_components since the last one depends on the first one.

Published import

  beagle: ^0.9.2-alpha

Local import

    path: '../beagle'