
Not rendering any component if there is a component with expression

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The bug happens following these steps:
Using AddChildren, build one Scroolview that contains two texts, one with normal text and the other using an expression.
When creating the scenario described, none of the elements inside the scroll are rendered.

Steps To Reproduce

Use this JSON sample on the playground and run on the iOS device:

  "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:screenComponent",
  "navigationBar": {
    "title": "Consulta de pagamentos",
    "showBackButton": true,
    "styleId": "NavigationBarPayments"
  "child": {
    "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:container",
    "children": [],
    "onInit": [
        "_beagleAction_": "beagle:addChildren",
        "componentId": "containerId",
        "value": [
            "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:scrollView",
            "children": [
                "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:text",
                "text": "bla"
                "_beagleComponent_": "beagle:text",
                "text": "@{global}"
        "mode": "REPLACE"
    "id": "containerId"

Expected Results

On Android and WEB the ScrollView with elements is rendered and on iOS it is not.