
fix: problem with Analytics on iOS

Closed this issue · 0 comments


The analytics tests are failing on iOS. There might be a relation with this PR in the Beagle backend project.

Refer to project beagle-tests to simulate the problem:
1 - Start the bff server in folder bff-server
2 - Start the iOS app in folder appium/app-ios and type the url http://localhost:8080/anaytlics2. The screen won't render as shown bellow:

Screen Shot 2021-09-21 at 14 58 47


2021-09-21 14:58:38.085729-0300 AppiumApp[5356:99713] [Network] 
BeagleSDK: ***HTTP REQUEST***:
Url= http://localhost:8080/analytics2
HttpMethod= GET
Headers= ["beagle-platform": "IOS", "Content-Type": "application/json"]
2021-09-21 14:58:38.929277-0300 AppiumApp[5356:101681] [Network] 
StatusCode= 200
Body= {
  "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:screenComponent",
  "child" : {
    "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:container",
    "children" : [ {
      "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:text",
      "text" : "Analytics 2.0"
    }, {
      "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:button",
      "text" : "Alert with no specific analytics configuration",
      "onPress" : [ {
        "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:alert",
        "title" : "Alert Title",
        "message" : "AlertMessage",
        "onPressOk" : [ {
          "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:openNativeRoute",
          "route" : "screen-analytics-link",
          "shouldResetApplication" : true,
          "analytics" : false
        } ]
      } ]
    }, {
      "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:button",
      "text" : "Confirm with analytics local configuration",
      "onPress" : [ {
        "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:confirm",
        "title" : "Confirm Title",
        "message" : "Confirm Message",
        "onPressOk" : [ {
          "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:openNativeRoute",
          "route" : "screen-analytics-link",
          "shouldResetApplication" : true,
          "analytics" : false
        } ],
        "labelOk" : "Accept",
        "labelCancel" : "cancel",
        "analytics" : true
      } ],
      "id" : "_beagle_5"
    }, {
      "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:button",
      "text" : "Alert with remote analytics configuration",
      "onPress" : [ {
        "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:alert",
        "title" : "Alert Title",
        "message" : "AlertMessage",
        "onPressOk" : [ {
          "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:openNativeRoute",
          "route" : "screen-analytics-link",
          "shouldResetApplication" : true,
          "analytics" : false
        } ],
        "analytics" : {
          "attributes" : [ "message" ]
      } ],
      "id" : "_beagle_6"
    }, {
      "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:button",
      "text" : "Confirm with disabled analytics configuration",
      "onPress" : [ {
        "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:confirm",
        "title" : "Confirm Title",
        "message" : "Confirm Message",
        "onPressOk" : [ {
          "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:openNativeRoute",
          "route" : "screen-analytics-link",
          "shouldResetApplication" : true,
          "analytics" : false
        } ],
        "labelOk" : "Accept",
        "labelCancel" : "cancel",
        "analytics" : false
      } ]
    }, {
      "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:button",
      "text" : "navigateToPage",
      "onPress" : [ {
        "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:pushView",
        "route" : {
          "screen" : {
            "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:screenComponent",
            "id" : "/analytics2-navigate",
            "child" : {
              "_beagleComponent_" : "beagle:button",
              "text" : "navigate to local screen",
              "onPress" : [ {
                "_beagleAction_" : "beagle:openNativeRoute",
                "route" : "screen-analytics-link",
                "shouldResetApplication" : false,
                "analytics" : false
              } ]
        "analytics" : false
      } ]
    } ]
Headers= [AnyHashable("Content-Type"): application/json, AnyHashable("Content-Length"): 3181, AnyHashable("Date"): Tue, 21 Sep 2021 17:58:38 GMT, AnyHashable("Vary"): Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers, AnyHashable("Connection"): keep-alive, AnyHashable("Keep-Alive"): timeout=60]