
[Backend] Coverage not working

Closed this issue · 5 comments

always open new pull request the coverage of the PR and the Main branch not working

👋 @uziassantosferreira
Thank you for raising an issue. We will investigate into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible.
Please make sure you have given us as much context as possible and that you have followed our contributing guidelines.
We will review it as soon as possible.

@hectorcustodiozup even though I've fixed it, it still has the problem and it's weird because I've tested it with a sonarqube on my machine and it's working perfectly, I'd need to have access to the server key to understand what's happening with sonarcloud, so the best thing would be you guys look at this, remembering that this is very important for an open-source project

Hi @uziassantosferreira,

Thank you for pointing that out. That is weird indeed, I too did test your PR and my local environment showed the report just fine. I will reopen this issue and try to reproduce the problem ASAP.

This issue has been reopened because the problem seems to be persisted in remote environment.

Closing due to inactivity.

We're currently going through some restructuring and, unfortunately, we can't give priority to this issue right now.