
Error while running tool

john047 opened this issue · 4 comments

What happened:
Error while running tool

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

  stage: check-code
  image: horuszup/horusec-cli:latest
  - docker:dind

    - horusec start -p ./ -o json -O horusec-report.json
     - horusec-report.json
   expire_in: 1h
time="2022-06-27T08:42:12Z" level=warning msg="{HORUSEC_CLI} During execution we found some problems:"
time="2022-06-27T08:42:12Z" level=error msg="{HORUSEC_CLI} Error while running tool DotnetCli: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type \"bind\": bind source path does not exist: /builds/maingroup/subgroup/project/.horusec/8d61c6b9-f012-4ad7-bad7-b8f893ef74c1"
time="2022-06-27T08:42:12Z" level=error msg="{HORUSEC_CLI} Error while running tool SecurityCodeScan: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type \"bind\": bind source path does not exist: /builds/maingroup/subgroup/project/.horusec/8d61c6b9-f012-4ad7-bad7-b8f893ef74c1"
time="2022-06-27T08:42:12Z" level=error msg="{HORUSEC_CLI} Error while running tool Semgrep: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type \"bind\": bind source path does not exist: /builds/maingroup/subgroup/project/.horusec/8d61c6b9-f012-4ad7-bad7-b8f893ef74c1"
time="2022-06-27T08:42:12Z" level=error msg="{HORUSEC_CLI} Error while running tool Trivy: trivy config cmd: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type \"bind\": bind source path does not exist: /builds/maingroup/subgroup/project/.horusec/8d61c6b9-f012-4ad7-bad7-b8f893ef74c1"


  • Horusec version (use horusec version):
    Version: v2.8.0
    Git commit: df32c1c
    Built: Wed Jun 08 13:57:08 2022
    Distribution: normal

How to fix this problem?

hello @john047

Make sure you have privileged access in your settings as docker will mount some volumes with your project.

Hello @wiliansilvazup

config.toml has privileged = true setting

Why might the tool not work?

Into gitlab configuration the recommended is run using docker format like this issue opened #1086