seek function does not update self.data_position
HexAndFlex opened this issue · 2 comments
HexAndFlex commented
While the seek function does seem to work to navigate around a file, it does not seem to update the data_position pointer. As such PyWave.Tell() provides an incorrect file position.
To recreate..
rb =,'r') #open a read only wav file
print("pos = " + str(rb.tell())) # displays "Pos = 0"; good
dat1 = rb.read_samples(10) #read 10 samples
print("pos = " + str(rb.tell())) # displays "Pos = 10"; good,1) #skip forward 10 samples
print("pos = " + str(rb.tell())) # displays "Pos = 10"; should display "Pos = 20"
Zuzu-Typ commented
Whoopsie, yeah. That's not how that should be.
Should be fixed now.
Thanks for letting me know!
Also, happy new year! (:
HexAndFlex commented
Thanks for the quick fix. HNY to you too.