
center terrain get_height_at has diff than true pos

yythlj opened this issue · 1 comments

var cur_pos = position
var map_width = 2048
var map_height = get_node("HTerrain").get_data().get_height_at(int(cur_pos.x + map_width / 2),int(cur_pos.z + map_width / 2))

print(map_height, " ", cur_pos.y)

In my characterbody3d, I stop move, and on floor.
it print 64.3496627807617 66.8754653930664

the diff is too more..

get_node("HTerrain").get_data().get_height_at(int(cur_pos.x + map_width / 2),int(cur_pos.z + map_width / 2))

That code assumes things:

  1. That 1 pixel of the heightmap is 1 unit of world space (which is not always true)
  2. That the terrain's position is at the origin (which is not always true)

HTerrainData.get_height_at does not account for transforms or scaling or centering, because it's a method of a resource, not the node. It gives the raw height from pixel coordinates, not world coordinates. So you likely made a mistake in the way you convert coordinates.

If you want interpolated height in world coordinates, you can use something like this:

static func get_interpolated_height_at_world_position(terrain: HTerrain, pos_world: Vector3) -> float:
	var to_world := terrain.get_internal_transform()
	var to_local := to_world.affine_inverse()
	var pos_local := to_local * pos_world
	var h_local := terrain.data.get_interpolated_height_at(pos_local)
	return (to_world * Vector3(0, h_local, 0)).y

Another way that might be easier is to simply add a raycast to your character pointing down.